Hi everybody! Jack’s webmaster, Mike, here. And welcome to Jack’s blog. This is a new thing we’re trying, a place to put random bits and pieces that don’t warrant a few blown article: tips, product reviews, stories, fishing reports, pictures, jokes…really, whatever comes to mind. We hope you enjoy it. Please do make liberal use of the Comments link at the bottom of each post. Right now we don’t require a login to post a comment and all comments are displayed immediately without a waiting period. Hopefully it can stay that way, although if spammers become an issue we may have to make a few tweaks.
In conjunction with adding the blog, another thing we’ve done is deep-six the old message board. It never really generated much traffic and honestly, unlike me, Jack himself just isn’t a message board type of guy. We expect this blog format to be a more dynamic and interesting forum for discussion. Hope you like it. To use a Jack phrase, it should be a lot of fun.
So that this initial post isn’t totally devoid of fishing-related content, here’s a…
Cannibal Striper Report
Hugo Williams recently sent us some fantastic photos of a beauty bass he caught when it nailed a smaller one he already had on the hook. You hear about stuff like this from time to time, but nothing beats a first-hand report. Hugo wrote:
“I caught this striped bass, 43 inches long, 25 inch girth, estimated at 33.5 pounds , this morning – on a fly – although I was technically (inadvertently) livelining a smaller striper. I hooked about a 22 inch fish and then this big girl ate it. You can see the tail sticking out of her throat! Very exciting and my biggest striper ever. She swam away happily after being revived.”
Way to go, Hugo! And yes, I am jealous: sickly, despressedly, angrily, “why doesn’t this happen to me” jealous. I hate you, dude. Watch out for me in parking lots. Click the thumbnails below to view at full size. In the first photo you can actually see the tail of the smaller bass sticking out of big momma’s gullet.
Here’s the part I can’t figure out. Hugo, how did you get the fly out?